Racing Pigeon USA - Pigeons For Sale

Featured For Sale Birds- Click Picture For More Info


Racing Pigeon Loft

 PigeonUSA specializes in the sale of Quality Racing Pigeons - Meulemans, Ludo Claessens, Dijkstra/Klaas, Janssens and other top performance pigeons.
The Meuleman family has it all: Conformation, Eye Sign, Expression, Speed, toughness and a DESIRE TO WIN!
Our Meuleman pigeons have been winning for us and our customers for over 20 years and six generations. 
The Ludo Claessens are WORLD CLASS RACING PIGEONS, winning against 5,000 to 25,000 birds. Ludo Claessens final auction 11/2010 where the average price was $13,600 with the most expensive bird, "Jonge Supercrack" going for over $157,000!! PigeonUSA Flying Ludo Claessens since 2001
Dijkstra/Klass -
Janssens - Breeeding from 10 imports directly off Original Janssen Brothers, Proven German Imports and several other top performing Janssens.

If you don't see what you’re looking for or need more information please call  Michael at 715-410-0185 or email
